Experience, postion, outlook
HCP Focus

HCP wellbeing is a relevant issue and the complement to the patients’ one.

The professional and personal experience as a HCP in a specific area framework present the complement to the patients’ illness experience and living situations.

Their perceptions, the joy and the sufferings are a major issue. A profession known for compensating burdens is claiming help and treatment for their situation.

Instead of best practice, frustration over the health system, having to tackle “intrusive” payer and reimbursement regulations felt to chain and burden their therapy and prescription freedom, on the one side. On the other side, conflicting situations with the patients, ranging from empathy and engagement to ambiguity esp. with the “informed patient”, yet the patient caught in their illness-lifestyle-ecosystem with limited abilities to comply of change.

And negativity, stress and conflicts ongoing are not a good thing for health and healing.

While the remodeling of conduct of healthcare services is evolving HCP wellbeing and quality of practice is a relevant “added benefit” needs area, also to carry through with the complexity of the forthcoming health care innovations.

Studies on the relevant experience factors of their HCP realities help understanding and fostering greater HCP wellbeing and communicating on a relevant, trust-building level.

Our Research Expertise with HCP Issues

In-depth know-how for studies focusing on these intertwined emotional and professional issues on eye level.

Focus: Professional Position and Image

  • Business motivation and wellbeing of HCP groups: Current business situation, mood and motivation of doctor groups incl. quality of work experience, attitudes and coping strategies
  • Medical hierarchy, positions and relationships as treatment role patterns

Focus: HCP Typologies, Segmentation and Self-Image

  • Typologies along praxis style, relationship to patients
  • Self-image as a practice area doctor (e.g. GP, cardiologist, diabetologists)

Focus: Praxis in Daily Life and Treatment Management

  • Practice ethnography and flow: Daily practice life and coping, effectiveness and quality of work experience
  • Task flow analysis, therapy and service improvement strategy concepts

Focus: Doctor Patient Relations

  • Psychodynamics of patient interaction, adherence and compliance
  • Experiences with patient-benefit and outcomes orientation
  • Experiences with new technologies and health apps

Focus: Illness images, Treatment and Prescription Motives

  • Treatment routines and prescription motives along illness areas
  • Patient benefit and value understanding and approach
  • Practice around DMP, guidelines and regulations